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Dee Williams
Dee Williams
Dee Williams

Dee Williams

American, 1961 - 2018
BiographyDee Williams, a Los Angeles-based artist and educator, explored the relationship between photography and history through carefully composed time- and site-specific photographs. From 2012 to 2015, Williams served as a trustee to the Michael Asher Foundation, of which she was a founding board member. Her writings have been published in magazines like the Australian Centre for Photography’s Photofile, Die Hausfrau and Zitty Magazine. Vogue Italia named Williams an “artist to watch” in its February 2005 issue.

In addition to The Reman Hort Mann Foundation Grant, Williams was the recipient of a 2004 Durfee Foundation Artist Resource for Completion Grant, as well as a scholarship from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) in Berlin from 2000-02.

Williams was an instructor of photography in the Art Department at Chapman University beginning in 2008.
Person TypeIndividual