Laurie Steelink
"Laurie was born into a generation that was impacted by one of the last vestiges of the U.S. Government’s active attempts at full hegemonic assimilation of Native Americans through the promotion of adoption programs of Native infants into white families. Laurie was adopted out of her Akimel O'otham Nation in Phoenix, Arizona and raised in Tucson. She grew up with a strong foundation in political consciousness and activism with her adopted family and studied art in college receiving both a BFA and MFA in Visual Art. Recently (in the past 20 years) Laurie has been re-connecting with her biological family and her cultural roots, which has had a profound and self-evaluative impact on her artistic practice. To overcome and heal from a forced identity schism, Laurie has immersed herself in becoming familiar with both Native artist communities, and has participated in ceremonial/spiritual gatherings.” – Gina Lamb, Associate Professor at Pitzer College
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